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1866 Miracle of St. John Berchmans

"Dec. 14 1866

Miraculous cure of a young postulant, Miss Mary Wilson, obtained by a novena made to Bl. John Berchmans. Three days later this dear sister received the religious habit."

Such a modest mention in the Academy House Journal for an event that has become so ingrained in the school's history. On this day in 1866, Blessed John Berchmans appeared to Mary Wilson in the convent infirmary and cured her of a terminal illness. 

The site of the miracle, the infirmary at the Academy, is now a small chapel. For over 150 years, it has been visited by pilgrims from around the world. So many know the story of the Miracle at Grand Coteau and so many continue to experience the quiet peace and presence within the Shrine of St. John Berchmans.


Then standing by my bedside, I saw a figure, He held in his hands a cup, and there were some lights near him, at this beautiful sight I was afraid. I closed my eyes and asked: "Is it Blessed Berchmans?" He answered: "Yes, I come by the order of God. Your sufferings are over. Fear not!"- Mary Wilson

Le Petit Musee and Shrine of St. John Berchmans

Caroline richard

Director of Le Petit Musee and Shrine of St. John Berchmans

Museum dedicated to the history of the Academy of the Sacred Heart in Grand Coteau, Louisiana. The Shrine commemorates the site of the miracle performed by Saint John Berchmans in 1866 which led to his canonization. Tours available by appointment.

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